Title: Fibroid and Keloid Cytokine SNP Analysis Strategy for Anti-Cancer and Oncological Screening

Abstract:Fibroids and keloids are two distinct medical conditions with no direct link or association. They involve different types of tissues and have distinct characteristics. Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that develop in the muscular wall of the uterus. They are composed of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue. They are typically found in the uterus. Fibroids can cause symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain or pressure, frequent urination, and reproductive issues. Keloids are raised overgrowths of scar tissue that can develop at the site of a wound or injury. They result from an overproduction of collagen during the healing process. It Can occur anywhere on the body, often at the site of a previous injury, surgical incision, or even spontaneously. Keloids are characterized by their raised appearance, extending beyond the boundaries of the original wound. They may be itchy, tender, and have a different texture compared to the surrounding skin. In summary, fibroids are related to the uterus and involve abnormal growth of uterine tissue, while keloids are related to the skin and result from an abnormal response to the healing process after an injury. There is no known direct connection between the two conditions, as they affect different tissues and have distinct etiologies. If there are concerns about fibroids or keloids, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and management.

Title: Paleotectonic Conditions Responsible for the Formation of Sedimentary Basins in the East Siberian and Chukchi Seas

Abstract:We have studied sedimentary basins in the Eastern Arctic Seas using a specialized step-\nby-step technique of paleotectonic and geodynamic analyses. The initial steps of the workflow\ninvolve analyzing present-day structural geometries of the main unconformities to define key\ntectonic stages in the evolution of the sedimentary cover. Specific aspects of vertical movement\nduring each stage are also examined. This is followed by the analysis of thickness maps of\nsedimentary strata between the main unconformities, and the determination of basin boundaries\nand areas of persistent downwarping. Next, we calculate and analyze sedimentation rates at each\nkey stage of evolution. Final steps involve examining paleogeographic environments, identifying\nstructural-formational complexes, and performing geodynamic zonation of the study area.\nPaleotectonic and geodynamic studies conducted as part of basin analysis have enabled us to\ndetect depocenters at each structural level, trace their migration amid the territory\'s geodynamic\nevolution, and estimate the rates at which sedimentary material has accumulated. The identified\nsedimentary basins have undergone their own evolution against the background of major tectonic\nevents that have taken place in the region. Specific aspects of this evolution are expectedly\nobserved in the internal structure of the basins.

Title: Clinical, Electrocardiographic, Laboratory, Risk Score, and Disposition Features of Chest Pain in the Emergency Department

Abstract:AbstractBackgroundChest pain is common among patients in emergency departments (EDs) worldwide, with significant implications for patient outcomes. This study aims to characterize patients presenting with non-cardiac and cardiac chest pain in the ED of The Cuban Hospital of Qatar.MethodsWe conducted a retrospective observational study from September 1 to October 31, 2023, involving 131 patients with chest pain, excluding 13, resulting in a final sample of 118 patients. We compared non-cardiac (109 patients) and cardiac (9 patients) chest pain across various demographic and clinical variables. Statistical analysis included Chi-square tests, odds ratios, and confidence intervals with a significance level of 95%.ResultsMales constituted 78% of the study population, with a significant proportion (49.2%) under age 40. Cardiac chest pain was more common in the 40 to 60-year-old age group (88.9%) and among Southeast Asians (66.7%). Obesity (28.8%) and hypertension (27.1%) were the most common risk factors. Non-cardiac chest pain predominated in cases without electrocardiogram (ECG) abnormalities (93.6%), while inverted T waves were most frequent in cardiac chest pain (55.6%). Most patients (93.2%) were discharged, with a higher admission rate for cardiac chest pain (44.4%).ConclusionPatients with cardiac chest pain were likely to be male, older, of Southeast Asian origin, and to have more risk factors, ischemic ECG changes, and elevated highly sensitive troponin T levels. Despite low-risk HEART (History, ECG, Age, Risk factors, and Troponin)/MACE (Major Adverse Cardiac Events) scores, these patients were admitted at higher rates. Current risk assessment tools may need adjustment to better identify cardiac chest pain patients requiring hospital admission despite low-risk scores.


Abstract:We deal with an instrument which seems to be close to branding, that is the impact of a term on our knowledge and for a better understanding of a certain situation or action.\n In fact, it’s about any public, influential and notorious person, related with economic policies or outstanding economic impact in society who receives the suffix-nomics linked to its name. \n This analyzed aspect is a contribution to the renewal of Economic Theory, putting at work elements of different economic domains. We used data from media and Internet sources regarding such blend words list and we’ve selected the most important with a sound impact on specialists or readers.\n Conclusion is that, in our opinion, the Surnamenomics treatment is very appropriate to those analyzed in the paper. At the same time, we think that revealing sound reasons, we can propose other names in such manner, but in order to be approved by a large base of professors, specialists and journalists, and after that to be spread all over the world and to remain stuck in the collective memory.

Title: Investigating the effect of subjecting the Zinacef (750mg) antibiotic to water, tea, milk, grapefruit juice, coffee, and energy drink on its effectiveness in inhibiting growth of Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

Abstract:Antibiotics are the medications used for treatment of bacterial infections or inhibiting their spread, most frequently by interfering with bacteria metabolism. For instance, the Zinacef antibiotic used in the investigation is a cefuroxime, which is a substance that belongs to cephalosporins antibiotics. Peptidoglycan is responsible for providing structural stability to the cell wall in bacteria. In gram-positive bacteria, such as Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, peptidoglycan is a vital component with a thickness of more than 10 layers, without which the cell cannot function properly. β-lactams antibiotics have been proven to inhibit the last step of peptidoglycan synthesis, thereby depriving the cell of the main protective layer.. However, as mentioned in Fundament of interest, there is evidence that some substances can decrease the efficiency of antibiotics in fighting bacteria. Moreover, some of them have both antimicrobial properties and properties that inhibit the effectiveness of antibiotics at the same time. In this work, an attempt was made to check What is the effect of water, tea, milk, grapefruit juice, coffee, and energy drink on the effectiveness of Zinacef antibiotic in inhibiting growth of Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, investigated by measuring the zones of inhibition with use of a vernier calliper? The results and conclusions of the experiment were as follows: water does not contain substances that could somehow affect the effectiveness of the Zinacef antibiotic, tea properties have the smallest effect on Zinacef antibiotic effectiveness in inhibiting Lactobacillus Rhamnosus growth, in the experiment milk indeed negatively influenced the activity of Zinacef antibiotic. On the other hand energy drinks have blocked the activity of the antibiotic to a greater extent than coffee.

Title: Investigating the effect of subjecting Daucus carota to thermal processing at different temperatures, T, (25oC, 40oC, 55oC, 70oC, 85oC) of distilled water on its calcium content

Abstract:Calcium is a mineral that plays a crucial role in our organisms, not only in terms of healthy bones and teeth, but also in blood clotting, contraction of muscles and regulating normal heart rhythms or nerve functions. Taking into consideration the negative effects of calcium deficiency it is vital to deliver necessary amounts of this mineral to our organism by implementing a proper diet. One of the vegetables rich in calcium is carrot. The aim of our experiment was to study the effect of subjecting Daucus carota to thermal treatment of distilled water at different temperatures on the calcium content in it. Based on the experiment, it can be concluded that with an increase in the temperature of thermal processing of carrots, there was a visible decreasing tendency in the calcium content in carrots.

Title: Modelling the suitable pharmacokinetic profile of Erythromycin

Abstract:Erythromycin is the oldest macrolide antibiotic. The mechanism of action of these antibiotics is to inhibit protein biosynthesis in bacterial cells by binding to the 50S ribosomal subunit and interfering with the elongation of the protein chain (ribosome is an element of the cell used to produce proteins, composed of two subunits - large 50S and small 30S). Because the cell\'s development is inhibited and not killed, we say that macrolides are bacteriostatic antibiotics. They are characterized by a broad spectrum of activity, i.e. they are active against numerous species of bacteria. To get better informed with the mechanics of the antibiotic tried to model the suitable pharmacokinetic profile of the erythromycin. Because the concentration of erythromycin in the blood does not change linearly, we used two nonlinear function modeling methods in our studies: polynomial interpolation and automatic nonlinear regression. The aim of the experiment was to assess the suitability of the erythromycin pharmacokinetic profile model depending on the method chosen for modeling (using polynomial interpolation or automatic non-linear regression). From the conducted experiment, it can be concluded that the selected modeling method strongly influences the usefulness of the model in terms of the pharmacokinetic profile of erythromycin, because this method determines the type of functions obtained and, consequently, the behavior and properties of the curves. In the case of this exploration, it is the Hoerl function that fits more clearly into the pharmacokinetic profile of erythromycin than the cubic polynomial model. In general, the Hoerl model has a smaller percentage error than the cubic polynomial model.

Title: In vitro Photodynamic Therapy in the Treatment of Endometrial Cancer

Abstract:Background Endometrial cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer in the world. Due to the prevalence and high morbidity, it is of key importance to make a quick and accurate diagnosis and effective therapy. The use of photodynamic therapy (PDT) in the treatment of endometrial cancer is a significant challenge in conducting clinical trials. PDT is non-invasive, with few side effects, damaging only neoplastic tissue, leaving healthy adjacent structures intact. Thanks to numerous experiments (also in vitro), PDT is gaining more and more recognition as a potential tool in endometrium cancer treatment.Objective The aim of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy on endometrial cancer tissue samplesMethods In the in vitro experiment of PDT, sections of endometrial cancer tissue taken from female patients were subjected to. Rose Bengal was used as a photosensitizer in order to assess the usefulness of the applied PDT and to introduce these solutions into the in vivo test procedure.Results Changes on the cellular substrate, such as: chromatin condensation, disturbed structure and shape of cell nuclei were observed in all tissues subjected to PDT.Conclusions The PDT experiment in vitro offers opportunities and hopes for using the chosen procedure also in vivo.


Abstract:Vitamin D3 is a steroid hormone produced in the skin under the influence of UV radiation. It is a vitamin discovered in the 20th century and constantly rediscovered. Over the last few decades, numerous scientists conducting research on vitamin D3 have shown its increasing impact on the proper functioning of the human body.\nThis work will present the process of synthesis, metabolism, mechanism of action of vitamin D3, as well as its pleiotropic effect. In preparation for this review\nmostly publications from the last 20 years were selected, but older, highly valued publications were not excluded.

Title: AIWLO-WMO Model Based an Artificial Intelligence to Smart Waste Management for Smart Cities Environment

Abstract:Smart waste management is one of the world\'s massive challenges, either in the advanced or started economies. Regularly, the technologies of artificial intelligence obtained recognition in presenting different computer techniques to solving smart waste challenge. The smart waste management of specified problems, events and doubts and partial statistics were capable for AI. Although this task did operate lots of findings, very few assessments proved the impact of AI to determine numerous difficulties of intelligent organization of waste. Perfect assessment of waste amount and condition is explained to Smart waste management technique development and model.\nCurrently, heavy quantity of waste resources has become substantial enhanced with increasing population. Appropriate management of waste resources becomes necessary to decrease environmental degradation and recover value of life in smart cities. Smart Waste management supports to gather and heal waste resources from society. Suitable arrangement of waste objects needs the model of automated waste category models based on artificial intelligence and image processing-based methods. The aim of this paper, an automated artificial intelligence with world larva optimization supports waste management and organization (AIWLO-WMO) model is proposed for smart cities environment. The proposed model mainly develops a RetinaNet built object finding segment to recognize the presence of smart waste objects in the views. To better the category operation, Adagrad optimizer has used. To confirming the invented outcome of the AIWLO-WMO method, complete testing is performed on normal dataset and the found rates implied the authority of AIWLO-WMO model throughout other methods with expanded accuracy of 99.62%.