EFECT OF THE NUTRIENT CONCENTRATE IN RATION TO PERFORMANCE OF LOCAL CHICKENS \n\nAbun1, Tuti WIDJASTUTI1, Kiki HAETAMI2, and Rachmat WIRADIMADJA1\n\n1Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang KM. 21, 45363, Sumedang-West Java, Indonesia, (phone) +6222 7798241, (fax) +6222 7798212.\n2Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Padjadjaran, Jalan Raya Bandung-Sumedang KM. 21, 45363, Indonesia, (phone) +6222 7798241, (fax) +6222 7798212.\n\nCorresponding author email: [email protected]; \nabun_hasbuna.fapet @ yahoo.co.id\n\n\nABSTRACT\nEfforts towards improving the quality of shrimp waste are through bioprocess using Bacillus licheniformis service, Lactobacillus sp. and Saccharomyces cereviseae, to obtain a quality product (Nutrient Concentrate) to meet the needs of local chickens nutrition. The objective of the study was to obtain an effective level of use of Nutrient Concentrate in the local chicken ration of the growth phase. Research using experimental method in laboratory. The experimental design used was a complete randomized design, consisting of 6 treatment rations (R0 = low protein ration (15%), R1 = Ransum containing 5% concentrated nutrient, R2 = Ration containing 10% concentrate nutrient R3 = Ration containing 15% nutrient Concentrate R4 = Ration contains 20% concentrate nutrient, and RS = high protein ration (18%)) and each is repeated 5 times. The data were analyzed by variance and the differences between treatments were tested by Duncan\'s multiple-range test. The results of the research were: (1) The best growth of local chickens (consumption of ration, weight gain, and ration efficiency) was given by ration containing 10% concentrate nutrient (15% ration protein) and equivalent of high protein ration (protein ration 18 %), and (2) Nutrient concentrates can be used up to 20% in a local chicken ration of growth phase without affecting chicken health (erythrocytes = 1.87-2.20 × 106, leukocytes = 29.08-37,72 × 103, and hematocrit = 30.80-33.80%).\n\nKeywords: Bioprocess, shrimp waste, concentrate nutrient, performance, local chicken.