Nowadays sustainability, sustainable development and clean environment became important and relevant topic across the world. Sustainability issues have gained particular attention in a transport sector. This sector creates a significant impact on environment, social relationships and economic development. Thus, the sustainability integration in investment projects of a transport sector is inevitable in order to make a positive environmental impact.\nThis paper presents the development of sustainability index for a transport investment project and selection of a transport investment project taking return on investment, risk and sustainability into considerations. Therefore, the novelty of this work lies in constructing a transport sustainability index (TSI) relying on an additional sustainability aspect, i.e., technological dimension. The technological inclusion is particularly important today as it allows for developing new technologies, which, in turn, are able to reduce the impact on climate change, replace natural gas by renewable energy sources, enhancing resource efficiency, bringing a competitive advantage in the market and improving living standards. \nThe index was compiled and the selection of a project was done by applying multi-criteria decision-making methods (MCDM), such as an expert survey, assessment of the compatibility and reliability of group opinions, subjective weighting, the reference value method, simple additive weighting (SAW) and technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution (TOPSIS). The results of this study revealed that 14 sustainability criteria (5 environmental, 3 economic, 3 social and 3 technological) weighted by experts formed the basis of a transport project sustainability index. The developed sustainability index could be useful in assessing and comparing projects of a transport sector. Moreover, a transport sustainability index may be useful in making decisions regarding project selection. When addressing the issue of a project selection, the decision-maker could take into account not only the project’s return and risk, but also its sustainability. In addition, this research revealed that there is a statistically significant, strong linear correlation between sustainability and project return.
The current study aimed to determine the natural pathogen and parasites of the Bombus terrestris L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Turkey. During 2019 and 2020, the commercial and wild populations of B. terrestris were investigated in this survey. In the studies, natural microsporidiosis was detected in commercial B. terrestris populations. Fresh oval spores were measured as 4.91 ± 0.48 (6.12 – 3.73) μm in length and 2.54 ± 0.31 (3.27 – 1.88) μm in width (n=60). Both SSU rRNA and RPB1 gene sequences of the current microsporidium were top hits with the Vairimorpha (Nosema) ceranae isolates. While the SSU rRNA gene sequence matched with the Vairimorpha ceranae clone NCS44 (LC510228) isolated from the Apis cerana japonica at 99.24% identity (100% coverage), the RPB1 gene sequence was matched with the Vairimorpha ceranae isolate 1994 (KJ473287) at 99.02% identity (100% coverage). Based on the light microscopy and molecular phylogeny the current microsporidium was a new isolate of the V. ceranae and named herein as Vairimorpha ceranae Tr-07.
Although the fire salamander species, Salamandra infraimmaculata, relatively distributed in a broad area in the Middle east, it lives in a narrow area in the southeast and south Anatolia in Turkey. The species whose habitats are decreasing day by day is classified in the category NT in IUCN and the population trend is decreasing. Within the scope of this study, a model was created with the existing locality records of the species using ecological niche modeling. As a result of this model, the current and future distribution of the species were compared. The results obtained from the analyzes made within the scope of this study showed that the current probable distribution of the species coincides with the existing locality records. However, for possible climatic change scenarios, the possible future distribution of the species will be negatively affected by the increase in the greenhouse gas effect, the change in the amount of carbon dioxide and the increase of many harmful gas concentrations in the atmosphere. If all four climate scenarios proposed in this study in the future occur sequentially, the species will have to limit or change its range, and even become will be extinct in some areas. Species conservation action plans should be initiated, and local governments should take necessary measures to prevent this from happening.
In this study, a new Vairimorpha isolate was defined non-Vairimorpha necatrix strains from Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Turkey (Malatya). Infection was determined in the host\'s hindgut, both larval and adult stages. Two types spore originated from the polymorphic sporulation was detected during the observations. While the binucleate ovocylindrical fresh spores were measured 4.38 ± 0.31 μm (5.09–3.77 μm, n = 100) in length and 2.80 ± 0.18 μm (3.21–2.43 μm, n=100) in width, the ovoid meiospores were measured as 3.50 ± 0.46 μm (4.98–2.51 μm, n = 100) in length and 2.02 ± 0.28 μm (2.94–1.50 μm, n=100) in width. The multilocus genetic analyses based on SSU rRNA and RPB1 genes were carried for determining the phylogenetic status of the current microsporidium. In ML and BI trees, the current microsporidium was separated into a different branch from V. necatrix strains within the Vairimorpha clade
The banking industry is considered one of many businesses that have taken advantage of the Internet and IT development by introducing internet banking services to their customers and this bring many benefits to banks and customers. There have been serious threats to the details of customers of banks as there have been an increase in unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification or destruction of customer information leading to cases of fraud and poor reputation and performance of several banks across the globe. One of the most challenging issues facing the banking industry currently is security. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of security strategies on profitability of selected deposit money banks in Lagos State, Nigeria. The population of this study was 433 employees in the IT department of the selected deposit money banks. Total enumeration of the 433 employees of the selected banks was considered. Structured and validated questionnaires were used for data collection. The reliability test yielded Cronbach’s alpha for the constructs ranges from 0.947 to 0.990. Data was analyzed using inferential statistics. The findings of this study revealed that security strategies dimensions had a significant effect on profitability of selected deposit money banks in Lagos State, Nigeria (Adj. R2 = 0.838, F(4, 291) = 383.804, p<0.05). The study concluded that security strategies affect profitability of selected deposit money banks in Lagos State, Nigeria. The study recommended that management of selected deposit money banks in Lagos State should ensure that they implement the right security strategies to avert security threats that could affect their profitability.
The article analyzes the introduction of digital taxation on the member states of the European Union. The digital economy is a collective term for all economic transactions that take place\nhappening on the Internet. It is also known as the Web economy or the Internet economy. With the advent of technology and the process of globalization digital and traditional economies merge into one. New ways of doing business in the virtual and digital world economy caused the emergence of a tax on digital services (hereinafter: digital tax). A solution is being sought internationally and globally, which is certainly a better and more systematic approach, however in this text we will see that states have decided to introduce a digital tax on their own.
Abstract\nUnani system of medicine is the most ancient systems of medicine which provide holistic approach to the Health and deals with the promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of healthcare. Treatment is adopted when prevention fails and disease occurs. It is mainly based upon Ilaj bil Zidd (Heterotherapy). Unani System of Medicine describes following modes of treatment: Ilaj bil Ghiza (Dietotherapy), Ilaj bil Dawa (Pharmacotherapy), Ilaj bit Tadbeer (Regimenal Therapy), Ilaj bil Yad (Surgery). However, the first preference of treatment is given to Regimenal therapy and diet, drugs and surgery are used only if required. Hence, in simple words, Ilaj bit Tadbeer may be described as a mode of treatment in Unani medicine which encompasses treatment through various regimens which are directed toward modification or correction of any abnormalities in Asbab e Sitta Zarooriyah. According to Unani system of Medicine, bloodletting is based on concept of Humoral imbalance. Their imbalance causes diseases, whereas restoration of the balance leads to health. According to Unani System of Medicine, majority of diseases are caused by endogenous factors by excessive accumulation of morbid humors. Bloodletting is a method of general evacuation. It removes the excessive quantity of humours present in the blood vessels. Bloodletting in the form of Fasd (Venesection), Irsal e Alaq (Leech therapy) and Hijama bish Shart (Cupping with scarification) is an essential part of Unani System of Medicine for surgical diseases. It has been utilized for preventive as well as therapeutic measures for thousands of years by ancient Unani physicians. Irsal e Alaq (Leech or Hirudo therapy) is a method of bloodletting which involves the withdrawal of blood in a considerable quantity from the body with the help of Leeches. It is actually a blood sucking process with the help of medicinal leeches for prevention and treatment of various diseases. The therapeutic application of this therapy is known from the time of extreme antiquity and is still alive in present health scenario.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the science of helminthology began to form, which became an important part of medicine and veterinary medicine. To study the helminth fauna of the USSR, allied helminthological expeditions were organized, which covered the whole country. In 1929, during the 70th Union Helminthological Expedition, the study of the Tobolsk North was laid. The most important discovery was the level of invasion of the population and animals by opisthorchiasis. Helminthological expeditions have become a new tool for studying the space of the Ob-Irtysh North. The reports and diaries of the expeditions contain not only a description of new types of parasites, but also information about the health of the population, a description of the sanitary state of their homes, dietary habits, and the climatic features of the region. The practice of medical reports was formed in the first half of the 19th century in medical topographic descriptions. The new conditions of the Soviet state made it possible to accelerate the formation of a new science of helminthology. Helminthological expeditions became not only the basis for ideas about the helminth fauna of the USSR, but also updated the medical descriptions of the regions.