Papers sent to ARCTIC Journal are considered for peer review only if the submission is done via the URL below. Papers sent to the journal office by mail are not considered, nor those sent to the office email address. Please read the notes below before you submit.
Important Note:
- 12-point Times Roman typeface for the article body
- 14-point Times Roman typeface for Headings (Bold)
- Maximum length of title: 15 words (in max 2 lines)
- The article you submit should be in PDF
- Do not lock, Zip or compress any of your tables or figures in your final PDF or in your premier word.doc file
- Set 3cm margins from the top and the bottom of all your pages
- Remember not to use blank or white boxes to make the margins. It should be set by the page layout option in your word doc file. You should see the header and the footer of our journal when you are uploading your final version via our system.
- Do not Number your pages or your lines
- Do not omit your article title, your name and your affiliation
- Please check your figures and tables not to cross the bottom, the top and the side margins of the paper (you should see all parts of your table and your figure in your final PDF)

I hereby confirm that my paper is in accord with the guidelines above